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How I turned from an atheist to true devotee of Jesus Christ and how I’m going to celebrate this year Easter 2021

In the starting I did not believe in God. I was atheist and an utter one. Anyone who tries to convince me about God, I convince them about his not being. I only believe in doing and that is what it takes us to where we want to go. With all that even I didn’t take part in any kind of religious celebration and didn’t go to church too, of which my parents and relatives were very much worried about me. 

While on the other hand my whole family is total religious and take part in all Christian ceremonies and rituals. There is no any kind of specific reason why I am an atheist. I am just I am. Whoever I meet they say me to believe in Jesus, say me to pray every day and going for church but I didn’t pay slightest attention to them. Until one day everything changed in my life and I became a total devotee of Jesus Christ. It is about an incident that changed everything in my life and I now thank to God that he did. 

I am happy and every day I go to church and pray too. Praying has become my daily ritual without which I can’t live now and it is my only medicine for everything. Because I have understood the power of Jesus Christ. He is the true God who has shown me the truth and has led me to the right path. 

It is about my girlfriend whom I love very much and whom I am going to marry soon. But it is all thanks to Jesus God that he saved her life. It is about the day 5 January 2020 when she got into severe car accident in Connecticut. She was there to visit her sister when she got into accident on the freeway.

When she went into the accident and laying half outside the car with pours of blood coming through her head, somehow I reached there. There was crowd and officers all reporting and taking pictures. When reached officers had informed about the emergency but ambulance was late to reach and was unable to reach on time. She was in critical condition and I could not wait while I tried to put her into my car and wanted to take her to the hospital while police officers stopped me because hospital was a bit far away. 

She was bleeding severely and tears were coming from my eyes. I didn’t want to lose her. At that time I could not understand what should I do when I saw a guy praying for her. At that time I could not do anything so I also prayed to Jesus Christ with all my heart and I still don’t know how I did it. But I prayed and told Jesus Christ to help me for my girlfriend. As soon as I opened my eyes I saw a police helicopter coming that took me and my girlfriend to the nearby hospital.

She got operated in the hospital and got saved. I was happy and told the whole incident to my family and then they told me now you understand that God exists. Jesus Christ exists. When you pray with all true heart you get helped by him. And I believed this till today and believe whole life. Now I am a true devotee of the God who saved my girlfriend.

This year Easter 2021, I am going to celebrate by distributing food among some poor people and some good greeting cards in which top inspirational Easter quotes are already written. The quotes are from different books written on Jesus and his miracles. 

I wish your this year Easter go blessed. May Jesus Christ fulfill all your desires! You believe in him and May he answer your prayers as he did mine. Happy Easter 2021